I'm back, and wow, is there a lot I have to talk about! This past Monday and Tuesday were my grandparents' birthdays.
We had a surprise party for them at our house on the Saturday before. Exciting, right? AND, it was a themed party! Oh, I was in heaven! haha Seriously, I love a themed party! The surprise party was a luau. Fun, huh? A luau in November is very fun because you get to have bright colors with a purpose, but it is very VERY hard to find decorations this time of year. However, as you can see, I got a few decorations. Unfortunately the theme was only celebrated by those at the party my age and younger. The others (except for a few) were confused I'm sure as to why the party was themed in such a way. I just thought a luau was fun, and they're boring. ha Kidding, but kind of. I did force guests to get leid though. They enjoyed that part. Who wouldn't?

know you're jealous. That's understandable.
I was the camera that took the picture of the surprise. Jamie had
the camera that took the picture of Mommy Roxy and Pop (my
grandma and grandpa), and unfortunately I haven't gotten a copy
of that one yet. This is the surprise. I was crouching in a corner,
and it was dark up until the moment I took the picture so I
couldn't see what I was doing. It's not the best, but you can see a
few of the decorations. Plus, look at the excitement on those
faces! ha
They were surprised! Well, Mommy Roxy was for

sure. I'm not sure Pop knew what had happened yet.
...and the hula dancers were so happy to be there dancing on the
Pop and Coach Conrad have been best

friends since high school! I think it's so cool
that they're still friends. Pop was really
excited to see him!
Mommy Roxy was really pleased with the

decorations, and my mom was really pleased that the
planning was finally over!
Pop and Granny (his mom).
Chelsea, Jamie and Melanie were all happy to have gotten leid!
Jessica and me.
Chelsea performed a little. I wanted to make sure

to get a picture with her looking at me. Look at
her! That's talent!
The couch was a popular place during the party...at least it was
for the group I was hanging with. Here are Jamie, my mom and
Jessica imagining they're relaxing in Hawaii.
Melanie thought this picture was just SO funny. I don't get it still.
Maybe she has a skewed view of things because she deals with
what 3rd graders think is funny every day. Who knows?
The food wasn't luau themed, but it was enjoyable. As you can see
the centerpiece conveniently has a luau feel.
Ethan's a freak, but the parasol toothpicks and straws were a big
The funniest picture of Jamie! hahaha "Drink it
We just couldn't get off of the couch!
Logan was so tired after the festivities!

After everyone left, my aunt and uncle were still here. We were just hanging out, drinking and talking. My dad decided that we needed to open one more bottle of wine, so he did. I drank beer all night long. He was drinking beer then he went to wine, and he was planning on going to crown, until tragedy struck. He really wanted me to have a glass of wine. I don't know why. I like wine, and I guess he just wanted to fix a drink. Anyway, he poured me a glass of wine. The whole time he was being funny. I mean, you have to understand that he had had a lot to drink. Once he poured the wine, no one really knows what happened, but he said he was trying to "act like he was drunk". Well, he didn't have to try hard. He was trying to pass me the glass, but before he did, he was gonna hit the counter. His hand ended up hitting the edge of the glass.
all of the wine except for what you can see went flying across the
living room.
It was the funniest thing I've seen in a while.
My mom was so mad at him, which made it funnier.
Just understand that it was hilarious!
And fortunately, all of the wine came out!
So, all is well!

I didn't do the best job of taking pictures of decorations, but I was so stressed leading up to the surprise that it was all just a blur. You have to understand that I was in charge of organizing everyone. Telling them where to go, deciding when it would be necessary to turn the lights off, etc. Oh it was nerve racking (I'm not sure if that's the correct spelling).
was a big hit among party-goers.
Even the bathroom ceiling was decorated.
There was a red helium balloon tied to the handle,
but it had deflated a lot by the time I took this
picture. You can see it down there. So, that was
So, that's the surprise party! It was so much fun! One thing you may find hard to believe....I don't know how old either of them are! I know, sad, but it wasn't discussed. I asked my dad, and we decided that Pop is like 73 and Mommy Roxy is 68 or 69. If anyone is wondering, they are around 68 and 73. Just, FYI.
Anyway, the surprise was a success!
I'll be back with more, but I think this blog is way to long. So, I'm taking a break.
P E A C E ☮U T